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Preparing and overseeing the Neighbourhood Plan

Steering Group

The Steering Group is the body of people who volunteer to manage and lead on the  Neighbourhood Plan. They are charged with overseeing and advising on the review of the Neighbourhood Plan. This is very much a community-led plan so there are representatives from both Councils and the wider community. We also welcome new members.


The Steering Group is sponsored by, and reports to Melksham Town Council and Melksham Without Parish Council, as the accountable bodies, and has an agreed Terms of Reference.


Steering Group Members


The Steering Group comprises of 11 permanent voting members comprising of:


  • Two representatives of Melksham Without Parish Council 
    Councillor John Glover
    Councillor David Pafford


  • Two representatives of Melksham Town Council
    Councillor Graham Ellis
    Councillor Pat Aves


  • One representative from Melksham Area Board 

      Councillor Mike Sankey


  • One representative from Melksham Community Area Partnership
    Chris Holden

  • One representative from the business community

  • One representative for environmental and climate change interests
    Shirley McCarthy, Melksham Climate Emergency Group

  • Two representative for transport
    John Hamley, Melksham Transport Users Group and Rolf Brindle


  • One representative from the community
    Mark Blackham, Bowerhill Residents Action Group


  • One representative from the health community   



  • One representative for the historic and built environment  VACANCY


  • One representative from the “Priority for People” working group 



In addition, the following Council Officers will attend where appropriate in an advisory and non voting capacity


  • One representative from Wiltshire Council’s Spatial Planning Team
    David Way

  • Melksham Town Clerk


  • Melksham Without Parish Clerk
    Teresa Strange

  • Melksham Without Parish Officer
    Lorraine McRandle


Agendas and Minutes

The Steering Group meets on a regular basis. Minutes and agendas can be downloaded on this page.


Next Meeting: Wednesday 25 September 2024 at 6.30pm at Melksham Without Parish Council Meeting Space (First Floor), Melksham Community Campus, Market Place, Melksham, SN12 6ES.
To access via Zoom: 
Click link here:
Or go to or Phone 0131 4601196 and enter: Meeting ID: 279 181 5985 Passcode: 070920
Instructions on how to access zoom are on the parish council website
If you have difficulties accessing the meeting please call (do not text) the out of hours mobile: 07341 474234

Please note: minutes and agendas from earlier dates can be seen on the archived website for the Neighbourhood Plan. Click here to access

Join the Steering Group!



If you represent a local organisation and would like to be considered as a member of the Steering Group please get in touch, there will also be the opportunity for small topic lead group work on specific localities or subjects. Current vacancies are shown in the Steering Group details on this page.


You can read more in the Terms of Reference and please get in touch with with either the Melksham Without Parish Council Clerk or the Melksham Town Clerk

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