Neighbourhood Plan 2: Maps
Figure 1: Joint Melksham Neighbourhood Area
Figure 2: Rail and Key Roads Routes
Figure 3: Neighbourhood Area Settlements and Neighbourhoods
Figure 6: Cooper Tires Redline Plan
Figure 7: Library Site Redline Plan
Figure 8: Land South of Western Way Redline Plan
Figure 9: Land at Whitley Farm Redline Plan
Figure 9a: Land at Middle Farm Redline Plan
Figure 11: Key Routes for Walking and Cycling
Figure 12: Diagrammatic Illustration of the Potential for Green Infrastructure
Figure 13: Wildlife Sites within the Neighbourhood Area
Figure 14a: Melksham Town Community Facilities
Figure 14b: Whitley, Shaw and Beanacre Community Facilities
Figure 14c: Bowerhill and Berryfield Community Facilities
Page 95: List of Local Green Spaces
Figure 16: Ancient Trees, Woodland and Areas of New Tree Planting
Figure 20: Locally Valued Non-Designated Heritage Assets
Figure 21: Conservation Area, Listed Buildings and Important Areas of Local Heritage