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On this website you can find out about how the Joint Melksham Neighbourhood Plan is already making a positive difference, and about how to get involved in keeping our plan as strong as possible.

“We worked hard to get a Neighbourhood Plan that local people voted to bring into legal force. Help keep our Neighbourhood Plan bang up-to-date; have your say on the consultation draft so we can make sure that our Plan remains as strong as possible.”

Cllr John Glover - Steering Group representative

Steering Group march 22.jpg
Steering Group Meetings

Find out who is on this group, what's on the agenda for the next meeting and what was covered at previous meetings....

Looking ahead to 2026

The Melksham Neighbourhood Plan 2020 -2026 was brought into force following an 84% YES vote on Thursday 1st July 2021.

This is the current Plan.

Looking further ahead to 2038

Consultation on the draft Updated Joint Melksham Neighbourhood Plan is now closed. It took place over 7 weeks and ended on Sunday 3rd December.


Thank you to all those who responded. Work is underway to review all the comments and the draft Plan will be finalised for submission to Wiltshire Council. Find out more about the draft Plan.

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